Pengabdian Masyarakat

Sebagai salah satu bentu tridharma, yaitu pengabdian kepada masyrakat.

Pengabdian Masyarakat

Sebagai salah satu fungsi Tri Dharma, maka sebagai dosen, melakukan pengabdian masyarakat perlu dilakukan.  Paling tidak sekali dalam setahun

1.Belief in Allah (1st Rukun Iman)

You will know Allah deeper by browsing and explore my other subwebsite in Hajjforum or wynd tasawuf , just click and find the religious matter related to asmaul-husnaxls and best recommendation from best sufi .

2.Belief in God’s Angel (2nd Rukun Iman)

Contain 10 main Angel’s God, and job description of each Angel as well as the illustration of the Angel’s figure, Those figure just assistance to imagine but due to the character of Angel itself is Ghaib, so to avoid syirik or idolate the Angel, you just belief that this Angel is exist and always around us to watch, record, pass trhough gift from Allah and bring the damage due to Allah punish/dislike human if do evil thing.

Angel wallpaperJust click my other sub website in wynd angel for further reference of this belief

3. Belief in Kitab Allah (3rd Rukun Iman)

The Last Kitab Allah as the valid reference is Qur’an, beside that other kitab that Moslem must believe is Injil, Taurat and Zabur , for further lesson you can start to learn Juz Amma in Qur’an

4.Belief in Rasul Allah (4th Rukun Iman)

There are most well known 25 Rasul (prophet) stated in Qur’an, for further reference you can click my other sub website wynd prophet

5.Belief to Judgement Day /Qiyamah (5th Rukun Iman)

Judgement day ,know is Qiyamah

6.Belief in Allah’s destiny /Taqdir Allah (6th Rukun Iman)

Allah destiny , there are main 3 stages on this destiny, 1st is Qauli (Ikhtiar), 2nd Syar’i (Doa) and 3rd is Ghabi (Tawaqqal) while there are also 4 step for this (1. Al Ilmu, 2. Al Kitabah, 3. Al Masyiah, 4. Al Khalqu ).

to process this destiny for Human Allah take 6 steps as follows (1. 50.000 before the universe) (2. When human still in Ruh world) (3. When human still in sulbi/mani) (4. When human still in mather rahim /nutfah) (5. Every year of Qadar night/Lailatul Qadar for each Ramadhan) and (6. Every day or every 4 minutes Allah cross check it), so from this step we must believe that Allah Already determine human destiny fairly in advance and there still possibility to have Good destiny based on step 5 and 6 by doing good and leave bad side.